RubyConf 2006—Day 0 (Thursday, 19 October 2006)

Series: RubyConf 2006

I landed safely in Denver and managed to find the express shuttle to the Embassy Suites. Somehow, I didn’t manage to find the ticket desk for the express shuttle, but I was allowed on the shuttle and paid cash when we arrived. Both Caleb Claussen and Ogino Jun-ichi were on the platform. Of the eleven people in the van, five of us were Rubyists coming to the conference (I believe the other two were Mike and Claire from England; I may have the names wrong).

Shortly after arriving, Jim Freeze, Bil Kleb, Hal Fulton, Chris Lehman, and Alan Whitaker and I went to Casa Bonita: a Mexican restaurant with third-rate food (especially the vegetarian food; Velveeta is not Mexican) and second-rate entertainment, including a sketch artist, a too-loud Mariachi band, and a gal who did high dives into a pool not too far from our table. I’m not sure I’d go back to it, but it was well worth the visit, especially with the folks who were there. We had a really good time and had some interesting discussions. RubyConf is off to a great start.

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